Oh Blinded Fool

by Shawn Smith - Jan 15, 2005


Oh blinded fool

Groping around in the dark

Possessed with the belief he can lead others

He cannot even lead himself

Waves upon waves of darkness envelop him

He is lost and there is no light to guide his way

He stumbles

He falls

His body and soul are covered with bruises

There is no one to heal him

He both embraces and curses the darkness

The healer stands by ready to cleanse his wounds and restore him to health

The candle bearer waits with his guiding light to steer him in the right direction

But he scoffs at the very notion of the existence of such things

Those who listen to or follow this fool are as equally foolish and blind as he is

They too stumble in the darkness with no sense of direction

He chose darkness and now he wallows in his own ignorance

Poor fool

Poorer still are the fools who follow him