
By Shawn Smith – March 24, 2005

I'm not afraid that I might die
I’m afraid that I might live
When in the morning I open my eyes
My heart again is filled with grief

There is no pleasure
There is no joy
The hope has left me alone
The prospect of living another day
Simply chills me to the bone

This pain in unrelenting
This pain has no respite
I cry out to Allah repenting
In the middle of the night

Oh God, I know you hear me
Oh God, I know you’re near
And I call on you for mercy
To take my soul out of here

Some people pray for a life that’s longer
Some people pray for length of days
But my wish to live no longer
Is the prayer I hourly pray

I am thankful for the life I’ve been given
And the blessings placed on me
But now I want it to be over
So that I might me ridden of my grief